
Building essential life skills in children by transforming groundbreaking research into practice.


Mind in the Making, a program of the Bezos Family Foundation, shares the science of children’s learning through innovative in-depth training and materials geared for action. MITM’s Learning Modules, green加速器极光版破解 and Book Tips serve professionals and caregivers across a wide array of sectors and take a two-generational approach to building executive function-based life skills within children and families together.

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MITM’s 7 Essential Life Skills help adults understand and encourage important executive function-based skills children need to thrive. Executive function-based life skills involve managing thoughts, actions and emotions to achieve goals.

Photo Credit: Front Room Photography

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More than half a million people have downloaded MITM’s hundreds of resources that help bridge the gap between knowledge and practice. Learn how to take the stress out of challenging behaviors by turning them into opportunities to build life skills.

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What children need most is to feel loved, respected, and valued.

Adele Diamond

University of British Columbia

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